Monday 19 September 2016

Life As We Call It

LIFE. A very casual yet sophisticated word. Its casual because of the frequent reference in our daily lives. Sophisticated because  its highly concentrated with some great metaphors, which we happen to experience sooner or later.

Somewhere I had read," If you have a family, a small bunch of friends, roof above your head,food on your table,air to breathe and clothes to wear, then we have the best life.'' Don't you think so ? Apparently, only a few of us seem to share this opinion.And its very much normal too because humans are never satisfied,the list never ends.But, in some or the other way it hinders our peace. Let me put this in the words of John Green ,'The world is not a wish granting factory'. We have to earn for our wish. Sometimes, we have to yearn for survival too.Yes,life is not kind to everyone.Think about people diagnosed with some fatal illness or people fighting for one meal.There are other heart wrenching situations too.But we can't sit back and curse , we gotta fight. We have to accept it and dream simultaneously.Don't worry about the constant jerks.Because life is like a photograph and we are made from negatives.

There is this thing called hierarchy of needs,which means that there are certain things to be fulfilled before you can have the next higher level of needs, it starts with basic needs like water,air,health etc. and goes up higher to luxuries and accomplishments.Some people are stuck at the bottom itself.And some have already reached the top level.As biased as it sounds,but the person at the bottom and at the top are equally laborious and ambitioned. See, life can be unfair also.But it only takes a moment to reverse the condition.Life is only unfair if we don't have the wisdom to understand it.And wisdom lies where happiness is.Yes people,happiness is the sole reason behind this race of life. But the ironical part is that it lies within us still we run miles searching for it. So the best way is to make your best moment wherever you are and from whatever you are doing.By doing so, at least we could have something to cherish for during the last moments of our life. And regret, the most sulkiest feeling will not sink in.While there are many other aspects of life , we cannot point everything all at once.Reason is very simple  because as John Green said,'Our thoughts are like stars,we cannot fathom into constellation.' And I have only traced the stars.

"Everybody has a different story , make yours the bestseller."

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